Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Controversial Figure in Music

Alright, this figure is typically used and is probably made fun of the most..and I'm gonna defend him. Micheal Jackson. Micheal has gone from being the coolest ladies man musician in the known world to the laughing stalk of the universe. I guarantee there are small tribes in South America making fun of Micheal for the things he's done, but I think he needs to be givin a little slack. Yes, I agree that the things that Micheal has done and the things he's been acussed of are horendise, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he's made some great music.
Mel Gibson has done some pretty bad things himself, yet you ask anyone and they'll tell you that "Braveheart" was the greatest movie ever made. Then you ask someone about "Thriller" and they'll tell you that Micheal Jackson is gay. I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with that picture. "Thriller was the biggest hit of its time and then as soon as the acussations were made the song was unofficially anounced the worst song ever. WHAT!?! HOW DOES THAT WORK!?! "Braveheart" was anounced as the worst movie ever so why should that be any diffrent for music.
Although many people won't admit it, they dance to "Thriller", "Billie Jean" and "Beat It" when no ones around. And to go ahead after and say that stuff is gay is just wrong. Yes, he shouldn't have had slumber parties with young children and hell yes, he shouldn't have had them sleep in his bed with him, but that doesn't excuse the fact he's a good singer and performer. As for Micheal Jacksons face, ya, it's messed up but come on. It's not completely his fault. Perhaps he does have some kind of chemical unbalance, but please don't let that take you away from enjoying his music.

1 comment:

Kevin D A Jones said...

See the comments about Mike on Logan's post. Dude gets a bum rap for his controversial behavior. But can you separate the music from the musician?
